3 Reasons Why You Need To Hire A Professional To Remove Your Pet Stains

Occasional accidents are bounds to happen to any pet owner. However, you can’t get mad at your furry friends, but you can prepare the course of action. When the inevitable happens, the best way to clean up your pet stains is to hire a professional company to do the job for you.

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A professional company makes it possible to fully clean and restore pet stain-ridden carpets or furniture. They can give a deep clean of the area in a way that a home remedy could not match.

There’s no need to let the odours and lingering stains interfere with the cleanliness of your home. The following are the benefits of hiring a professional company for your pet stain cleaning services.

1)    Safe Cleaning 

With knowledge and expertise, a professional company is your best bet to get pet stains out without jeopardising the fabrics because they know how to remove them safely.  A company trained in cleaning will always use safe solutions that gently clean the impurities away while leaving the carpet or piece of furniture in pristine condition. Most homeowners are not knowledgeable in cleaning fabrics correctly. The inexperience will usually lead to homeowners using a cleaner that is not fit for their furniture. Most likely, the store-bought cleaning solution will be loaded with fabric-destroying chemicals. 

2)    Removal of Smell

Let’s face it, pet stains are gross. They not only look bad, but they leave behind an awful odour. The store-bought cleaning tools and solutions that label themselves as having the ability to eliminate the smells are not entirely truthful. Since they can’t clean as well as a professional cleaner, the stores bought solutions can only provide a mask of the odour. When you hire a professional cleaner, you will be getting a total removal of the smell with no chance of it wafting back.

3)    Removal of Bacteria and Urine Protein

When a mess surprises you from your pet, you won’t want to leave it there for very long. Pet urine contains harmful bacteria that can lead to illnesses in humans. This goes without saying, it’s not a good idea to let those types of stains linger.

Pet urine also contains proteins, that if not cleaned properly, will attach to carpets and upholstery. Both the bacteria and proteins need to be broken down by special enzymes.

The over-the-counter enzymes on the market are typically not strong enough to kill off both the bacteria and the protein build-up. However, a professional cleaning company will have solutions that have the strength to remove everything without using harmful chemicals.


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